Summit Bechtel Reserve
Staff Association
Welcome to the SBRSA!
The Summit Bechtel Reserve Staff Association was officially chartered by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Executive Committee on October 15, 2014, with the purpose to “promote a continuing interest in and support for the vision, mission, and programs of the Summit Bechtel Reserve… by and among those who have served the Summit Bechtel Reserve as staff or faculty.”
Any person who has served on the Summit Bechtel Reserve’s Seasonal, Jamboree, Training Faculty, or Full-Time Staff is AUTOMATICALLY enrolled as a member. In late 2022, the EXCOM of the SBRSA voted to eliminate membership fees and operate on a voluntary restricted donation basis for all members!
The 37° North Society
A New Life Member Opportunity!
The 37° North Society is a way for members to support our SBR Staff Association Seasonal Staff Scholarship Endowment program. This opportunity is a pledge program of a quarterly donation of $37 (or may be paid in a lump sum of $148 per year). Please select 37 North Society in the drop down choices for your donation type.
Thank you for your Support!

Fun Fact: The SBRSA logo represents the shape of the Summit Bechtel Reserve property.